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Article Marketing

10 Powerful Reasons For Social Media Marketing

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Social Marketing

In the world of digital marketing, the fusion of social media promotion with search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly vital for companies aiming to establish a robust online presence. Social media platforms serve as potent instruments for disseminating content and interacting with audiences, ultimately contributing to higher rankings on search engines.

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An important reason why social media marketing is crucial for SEO is its capability to drive traffic to a website. By distributing content across various social channels, businesses can attract a larger audience and increase the chances of their content being shared and linked by others. This, in turn, signals to search engines that the content is valuable and pertinent, leading to enhanced rankings in search outcomes.

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Furthermore, social signals like reactions, shares, and comments on social media posts also hold a significant impact on SEO. Search engines view these social engagements as signs of content quality and reliability, further boosting a website's visibility in search outcomes. For instance, a post that receives a high number of likes and shares on social media is more likely to rank higher in search engine results compared to a similar post with fewer social signals.

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Moreover, social media marketing can amplify brand recognition and visibility, crucial elements of a successful SEO approach. By establishing a solid presence on social platforms, companies can expand their brand awareness and reach a broader audience, resulting in more natural search traffic. This heightened visibility can lead to increased click-through rates and ultimately enhance a website's overall SEO performance.

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Additionally, social media marketing enables businesses to directly engage with their target audience, cultivating relationships and building trust. By actively taking part in discussions, addressing comments, and responding to customer queries on social media, companies can showcase their expertise and credibility in their field. This interaction not only reinforces brand loyalty but also indicates to search engines that the website is reliable and authoritative, culminating in improved search rankings.

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In summary, merging social media marketing with SEO provides numerous advantages for companies aiming to boost their online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites. By harnessing the influence of social platforms to promote content, interact with audiences, and enhance brand recognition, companies can enhance their search engine rankings and ultimately achieve greater online success.

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Article marketing: We've all heard it... "Content IS King" and for good reason because it IS as far as the Internet is concerned. And when it comes to web surfers, they simply go online for two reasons, first reason is to check their email and reason number Two is to search the web for "Information". This is how the Internet established the reputation as the "Information Super-Highway". That's what it's primary purpose was before it was transformed into what it is today.

#ArticleMarketing - 10 Powerful Reasons For #SocialMediaMarketing #SEO

And... what do 'Articles' contain? The answer is quite simple... "Information". So, what does this have to do with you? You will be the one who supplies it. It's that simple. Not complicated at all.

All it takes is time to create the articles and submit them. The pay off though can be an increase in website traffic and more sales opportunities. The article process is as follows: You create the article, proof read and correct the article, and submit the article to the article directories. One way articles create traffic to your website is from the reader. The reader can find your website address from a link in your article resource box. You have to make sure the article resource box contains a link to your website.

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Article marketing is also known to be a method of viral marketing. Meaning popularity of your article has the potential to grow. For example, webmasters from other websites can use your articles as content on their web site. In return for allowing the webmaster using your article, your article will include the resource box you created containing a link back to your site. As you create more articles and more sites keep using them, the total number of links to your site increases. Search engines place value on incoming links to your website.

This determines how relevant your web site is. The more relevant your site becomes the higher it may place in the search engine results. Articles can also build trust between your business and potential customers. For example, with more people buying online, writing articles gives you an opportunity to present yourself as an expert on the product people are looking for. I personally consider an article as a warm lead generator. You see, people are actually looking for the information you are writing about. Article marketing is a great way of having your site on the search engines. When writing articles, you must understand that the propagation of the article takes time.

While no marketing method is guaranteed, in time you may see desirable results from this method of marketing. There are many advantages to marketing your home business or website on the internet by writing articles. The best part about article writing is that it doesn’t cost anything. It does take time to write the article correctly and submit them to your favorite article directories. When done correctly, the payoff will benefit your business. Now, I'm going to give you 10 POWERFUL reasons WHY you should and/or need to get started using 'Articles' as one of your online marketing strategies so you too can reap the benefits. With that said, lets move on to reason #1.

Reason #1. Search Engines LOVE them. It's no secret that Search Engines LOVE content, so if you supply it on a regular basis you're giving them a great reason to stop by to take a look around. Once there, they'll spider and index your website which is just what you want.

Reason #2. Website and Newsletter owners always need them.

I touched base on this earlier about why web surfers come online. Website owners need fresh content to keep their visitors and/or subscribers coming back, where as newsletter publishers also need fresh content for their "email" newsletters that they publish and send to their subscriber base. Remember the two reasons I discussed earlier about WHY web surfers come online. BINGO!

Reason #3. They generate Life Long residual Traffic. Articles produce Life Long residual traffic because website owners, newsletter publishers and article directories archive them for their visitors to read and search through. And since you have a 'Resource Box' located at the end of every article you produce with your website info and URL you'll receive traffic.

Reason #4. Great way to get One-Way HIGH PR links. This is probably one of the best reasons because when you offer your free information with 'Reprint Rights' and the website owner decides to archive your article within their article directory and their website happens to have a High PR(page/popularity ranking) ranking, guess what? You'll be able to 'Piggy Back' off their PR giving your website a PR boost because at the end of every article you produce, you're able to leave your 'Resource Box' with all your websites info and most important of all, your URL.

Reason #5. They're VIRAL. This is yet another great reason to start using articles as one of your online marketing strategies simply because you're going to offer 'Reprint Rights' with all the articles you produce giving Website and Newsletter owners permission to publish them causing a VIRAL explosion and Traffic surge to your website.

Reason #6. You can syndicate them via RSS. If you're up to speed on the latest marketing technology called RSS(Real Simple Syndication) and you write 'Articles' on a regular basis you can set-up an RSS feed that web surfers and/or website owners can 'Opt-In' to and syndicate your 'Articles' via RSS to them, plus, you can also submit your RSS feed(s) to RSS search engines and directories. Depending on how many 'Opt-In' this is yet another great reason to get started with 'Articles' and another way to generate LOTS of Free targeted traffic.

Reason #7. Bloggers with BLOGS need "Information". If you provide quality information related to a specific Blog, that blog owner just might post your article on his/her blog for their audiences/readership to read giving you again more FREE exposure for your business. It gets better. Blogs also use RSS(Real Simple Syndication) to syndicate their content to various search engines, RSS search engines and directories giving you again more FREE exposure through their feed.

Reason #8. Info-Product developers need it to. Ever receive a free ebook of some sort in your Inbox with related articles inside it from other authors? When you offer your articles with 'Reprint Rights' and someone decides to include your article in their ebook for a Viral marketing campaign they're working on, guess what? More FREE targeted traffic for YOU as that particular ebook circulates across the Internet.

Reason #9. Post them to related Forums and Newsgroups. Remember, the Internet is all about numbers, and Forums and Newsgroups contain a lot of numbers, and that is yet another avenue for you to gain some extra exposure for FREE for your online business through your articles. Just make sure you read their 'Terms' before you start posting because you don't want to receive any 'Flames' in your Inbox.(They can be Nasty.)

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Reason #10. You gain INSTANT credibility as an Expert. The best way to gain the trust of your potential customers online is to supply them with quality "Information". By doing this you're stepping up and telling them that you know what your talking about within the industry you're in, and giving them a reason to look into what you have to offer further by following the link you provided within your 'Resource Box' at the end of your article. WoW! Are those 10 POWERFUL reasons to get started with 'Articles' or what? You get all those benefits by just producing ONE article. The more you produce the more you'll benefit. Do you see how powerful 'Articles' are now and how they can take your online business to the next level? I certainly hope so. In conclusion: "Content IS King" online and will remain King for as long as the Internet exists. It's now up to you to step up to the plate and decide whether or not You want to tap into this 'Proven Internet Marketing Strategy' yourself and reap all the benefits I just finished explaining above.


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