Marketing: Color is a magical element that gives feeling and emotion to art, design, and advertising. By understanding color meaning, (or the psychology of color) you can choose the right color to support and emphasize your design. A dominant color or overall color scheme can determine the tone of your document.
Certain colors will help your product, corporate document, or advertisement attract specific target audiences and evoke desired responses. The information below provides generally accepted guidelines on the symbolic meanings of color and how you can use color more effectively in your marketing pieces.
The meaning of the color yellow (including coral, orange, amber, gold. What it Symbolizes: Energy, caution, warmth, cheer, joy. Yellows are often associated with the following characteristics: homey, friendly, soft, welcoming, moving, excitement, or adventure.
Good for press kits, stationery, and shopping bags. Use yellow for signage in work situations warning of danger. Yellow is also good for any project that needs to evoke feelings of lightheartedness, humor, or friendliness.
The meaning of the color red (including mauve, magenta, crimson, scarlet, poster red). What it Symbolizes: Power, romance, vitality, earthly, energy. Reds evoke highly charged emotions such as aggression, danger, or love.
Red makes us pay attention and catches our eye immediately so use reds on items that need to grab attention. In the financial arena, red symbolizes a negative direction. The meaning of the color green (including lime, leaf green, sea green, emerald, teal, sage)
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What it Symbolizes: life, foliage, grass, trees, water. Greens are sensuous and alive. Green is associated with the following characteristics: friendliness, dependability, freshness, non-threatening, safe, secure, healthy, strong, expensive, and primitive. In the business world, green symbolizes growth and prosperity.
The meaning of the color blue and purple (including sky blue, ultramarine, violet, purple, azure). What it Symbolizes: Peace, law and order, logic, analytical, intelligent, honest, calm, clean, good will, tranquility, compassionate, serious, thoughtful, quiet, reflective, regal, classic, dependable, trustworthiness, tradition, magical. Blues are often used for older, more mature audiences and situations. Blue is common in financial institutions, hospitals, and legal and medical professions.
Purples have long been associated with royalty, magic and power. Purples are often used with feminine, rather than masculine designs. Make sure the colors you use in your marketing materials attract the attention of your target market. Check color resource design guides or swatch books to discover what color combinations work best to make your designs pop.
How do colors affect advertising?
Using vibrant colors to catch customers' eyes encourages them to look further at your advertisement so it can get your message across and reach your target audience. Color is also closely tied to feelings and moods, and can thus influence the way customers feel about your ad.
How does color influence marketing strategy?
Research has shown that the proper use of color increases brand recognition by 80%. It also raises the visual appearance by a whopping 93%. A further 85% of consumers buy or show intention of purchasing because of color. In the case of affordability, the visual appeal of an item is the major influence on a consumer's buying decision.
How do colors affect customers?
Color dictates a consumer's perception of a product or service according to the emotion that they associate with the color of that product or service. For instance, a logo that is blue and white often causes a calm, soothing response from a consumer. The colors red, orange, and black will evoke a different emotion.
What does blue mean marketing?
In color psychology, blue's color meaning ties closely to the sea and the sky. Stability, harmony, peace, calm and trust are just some of the feelings your customer may feel about your brand when you integrate the color blue into your branding.
What does red mean in marketing?
Red in branding and marketing is a bold and active color.
It feels bold and energetic. Brands that use the color red aren't making specific references to blood, health or food, but they recognize that the color conveys powerful and energetic emotions. Best red-colored logo brand examples to suggest energy and power.
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