Personal finance: Do you use credit card for everything you buy? Are you a cash only type of person? or... Are you like many people who live and die by your debit(debt)/check card?Regardless of the method you use to make your purchases, it is vital to not only know what was spent, but what was purchased. When you can determine where your money is going it helps to accomplish a few different tasks at one time.
The first advantage to tracking your spending is that you can visually see how much you are spending in a particular category. What
most people don't realize is that by knowing the exact figure that is
spent on a particular category will lead to a subconscious effort to
control spending in that area.
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Secondly, by tracking your spending you can effectively set up a savings plan that will help you to avoid financial disasters. The saying "Plan for the unexpected!" fits very appropriately here.
Personal Finance
If you have savings, you can be ready in the event something unexpected happens. (i.e. car breaks down, roof collapses, you take ill, etc.) Tracking your expenditures will also lead to better money management. You will know exactly where you stand financially. This is very helpful in avoiding or reducing overdraft fees and other associated bank fees. If your bank requires that you keep a minimum balance in your checking account, *you* will know when you are approaching that limit and can manage your money accordingly.
Lastly, tracking can lead to piece of mind. Meaning, if done right, you can rest at ease knowing that you have a strong grasp on your finances. Even if you are not debt free, by tracking your can create a plan that will lead you out of debt and eliminate the stress that goes along with it.
These are just some of the advantages of tracking where your money goes. Of course, for every one there may be even additional advantages that we didn't mention here. Most importantly is just doing it. If nothing else you can save money, avoid costly fees and be prepared for just about any financial disaster that may happen.
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