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#Travel Friendly Airbnb and Guest House - Vacationing in #Accra and looking for an Airbnb to stay? We Got You! Vacation rentals in Greater Accra Region Whatsapp +1 747 4779581 @Charlesfrize This is important because it relates to #AburibotanicalGardens #Senchi #TravelTours #KakumNationalPark #KwameNkrumahMemorialPark #WliWaterfalls #ElminaCastle #VisitGhana #AccraAccommodation #Africandiaspora

FrizeMedia Ghana
SEO SEM Digital Marketing

We Are Helping 1000
Businesses Amplify Their Presence Online

Advertise With FrizeMedia - Let Us Help Your Business Grow
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Ghana Latest News And Trending Stories

#FrizeMedia - We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Online In #Ghana #SEO
Digital Marketing Ghana3

We are proud to offer our exceptional #FrizeMedia services to a wide range of businesses in Ghana, specifically 1000. Our primary focus is to enhance their online presence and boost their search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. With our expertise and unwavering commitment, we assist these enterprises in effectively reaching their target audience and increasing their visibility on search engines.

Digital Marketing Ghana

Our extensive range of services ensures that our clients receive unmatched support for their online marketing endeavors. We provide content generation, social media management, and SEO. By combining these services, we empower our clients to establish a strong online presence and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Digital Marketing Ghana2

Improving SEO rankings is a crucial aspect of what we do. We understand the importance of being visible on search engines, as most online experiences begin with a search. By optimizing our clients' websites and content, we enhance their chances of appearing at the top of search results and driving organic traffic to their sites.

Digital Marketer Business10

To achieve this, we employ a variety of strategies and techniques tailored to each client's specific needs. We conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords in their industry. Subsequently, we optimize their website's meta tags, headings, and content by naturally and effectively incorporating these keywords. Additionally, we focus on establishing high-quality backlinks to their website, which significantly enhances their SEO rankings.

Digital Marketing Ghana5

The success of our support for businesses in Ghana can be attributed to our team of experienced professionals. Our experts stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing, ensuring that our clients receive the most effective strategies and solutions. We also provide regular reports and analytics to monitor the progress of our clients' online presence and make any necessary adjustments.

Digital Marketer Business8

If you are a business in Ghana seeking to enhance your online presence and improve your SEO rankings and content strategy, we are here to assist you. Learn more about how our #FrizeMedia services can benefit you. Let us be your reliable partner in elevating your online presence.

Digital Marketing Ghana4

FrizeMedia Ghana is helping 1000 businesses get online in the country thus aiding them embrace the digital era. Whether you are a dressmaker, a personal trainer, an event company, a restaurant owner or a retailer, your online presence has never been crucial. The digital age is here and whether you like or not, its moving at warp speed. FrizeMedia Ghana is well positioned to help businesses make a smooth and seamless transition without getting to grips with SEO and SEM and the many lingo that goes with your company being found online. We are here for one reason, to help your business stand out and your prospective customer identify you with clarity. If you do not own a website, don't worry, we can help. You do not need to own a website for your business to be found online. It does help, but not essential. call +233 55 8581787 or Whatsapp +1 747 4779581 and find out how FrizeMedia Ghana and Charles Friedo Frize can elevate your business today.

#FrizeMedia - We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Online In #Ghana #SEO

You can now advertise online strategically and almost free. Every business today needs online presence. Once upon a time the world was taken by industrialization and wars. Today the world is taken by technology. The kind that has evolved and setting the pace for future, and cannot be ignored no matter how distant you choose to be. Except you choose to be left behind. The traditional modules of advertising businesses are going extinct. Radio and television ads have become very expensive and rather more ineffective as before. The emergence of the internet and ICT have catapulted businesses to targeted reach. Therefore the internet has become the order of the day in terms of reaching out and selling.

FrizeMedia Ghana & UK are helping 1000 businesses and individuals without effective online presence or none at all, to be able to reach out to the world.

We provide:

ICT Consulting

Digital Marketing and Strategies

Professional Advisory Services and Solutions.

Web development resources & management

Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) related solutions

 We have a targeted reach and splendid traffic growths. With our disruptive efforts without the help of Google nor Facebook ads and promotions, our monthly average hits a high of a million  page views. We deliver with statistics to prove. Get in touch with us for help to push your business from nothing to value, and from value to exponential. We are also open to strategic partnership deals. 

FrizeMedia Ghana will create a page for your business, with images if need be, telling your prospects where you are operating from and sharing your address, phone number, and explaining your services. We then start driving traffic to your web page and connecting you with your customers. All of this will cost you 150 Ghana for a whole month or 400 Ghana if you sign up for 3 months. This equates to about £26 or $35. This is real value. Pay With

MTN Mobile Money : 0558181787

Vodafone Cash : 0505633467

Apart from this site that you are on now, FrizeMedia also owns and operates Global travel guide  which is in the top 0.6% of all sites. Not the top 1percent of all sites in the world but the top 0.6%.  FrizeMedia Ghana believes that if you are aiming to advertise online or anywhere else for that matter, you should know where your ads are being displayed.

The Best And Top 
Digital Marketing And SEO Services In Ghana

FrizeMedia Ghana SEO SEM Digital Marketing Proposal

The Best And Top Digital Marketing And SEO Services In Ghana

FrizeMedia Ghana
SEO SEM Digital Marketing
We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Amplify Their Presence Online

If You Have Chosen To Advertise In Our Classified Ad Only, Click On The Link Below. Our classified ad option includes your business logo and details with up to 70 words. There are only four ads on a page comparable to a page in a magazine. The added value being we drive targeted traffic to the page every day. Click below to Buy And Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Site Today

                                     £119/£99 Month  GH₵ 678/564  $161/$134


                                   For Our Awesome Package

           Or Our Classified Ad With Submitted Logo And Up To 70 Words

We have two great packages to help enhance your brand and drive targeted traffic to your ads.

If However The Two Great Packages Below Are Not What You Require, We Are Able To Tailor To Your Marketing Needs.

Our Awesome Package Gets You Listed In Our Directory And Includes A Page Of Classified Ad Loaded With

·         Business Name

·         Address + Map

·         Multiple contact phone numbers

·         A contact email address + website link

·         All Social network Buttons on Page

·         Your Page Will Be Power Twitted No less Than 10 Times A Week

·         Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, Google Plus Social Plugin Incorporated

·         200 character business description extract

·         4000 character full business description

·         Up to 2 categories to list under

·         One logo image + up to 3 additional images, with captions

·         Logo shown in search results

·         Up to 8 hyperlinked products/services listed

·         Up to 8 hyperlinked brands listed

·         Ability to embed multimedia on listing page*

·         *Multimedia need to be hosted on a video site elsewhere

 Click Below To Place Your Order For Our Awesome Package

This is the reason we have listed all our sites. When you pay us to advertise your business, we do not give a third party part of your money to display your ads. We are an authority and have our very own engaging content. Don't take our word for it, browse around. We have a targeted audience for all sectors of businesses. If you are in fashion we got you covered. We have targeted audience reading our pages and sharing on social media all day long. If your sector of business is alternative energy , we have the audience.

Finance     Health    Properties  and much more more. We got you covered. 

Business Start Ups Digital marketing is crucial for a start up. For the majority of start ups, money is tight. With that in mind, FrizeMedia Ghana adopts a policy helping startups that approach us for online help.

Call Charlie Frize on +233 055 8581787 or Whatsapp +1 747 4779581

 if you are a start up and need help in digital marketing. We are here to help. FrizeMedia Ghana embraces digital marketing strategies for your startup which gives you a clear picture of what direction your business will benefit most. Social media has become a powerful marketing tool these days but you need to know what you are doing. We will help you build a customer persona first, then begin to create a social media strategy for your business.

Listed here are some of the benefits offered by social media marketing:

  • It improves search ranking and generates leads
  • It increases exposures and traffic
  • Social media marketing develops loyal customers
  • It establishes thought leadership
  • Increases in sales

Corporate Clients And Multi Nationals

We advise our corporate clients to get serious about getting digital. Stay aware of your digital presence and treat your digital marketing like you would a client. This can prove challenging at times because your company as a brand isn't a source of revenue generation in the short term. The long term, however, is a different story. The digital presence of your company is worth the investment. It also pays to provide employees with the right tools, from up-to-date devices to educational training. A well-equipped, adaptable team can navigate new social platforms, and anticipate and capitalize on upcoming trends in the ever-changing digital landscape. Corporate clients receive all the packages on this page including packages at the bottom of this page. It's a great value starting at $2000 a month.

FrizeMedia Ghana helps corporate clients by 

  • Creating a strategic roadmap
  • Build awareness and drive traffic
  • Customer loyalty and retention
  • Building emotional connection with the brand
  • Manage growth approach
  • Fully integrated brand reputation management including PR
  • Structured testing and optimisation programme
  • Media fully optimised
  • and so much more

FrizeMedia Ghana Digital Marketing Certified Partner

This is a program for persons who aim to improve their knowledge of the said field, and wish to join our partner program to earn income by revenue sharing. The workshop is run on Sundays in partnership with the Institute Of ICT Professionals, Ghana. There is a token fee that goes to paying for the space, providing light refreshments during the workshop and to filter out those who are motivated to succeed. As a certified partner, the revenue share is 50/50. This means every business that a partner introduces, the split of revenue is equal for the life of the business. Simply put, as long as the business introduced requires our services and paying for it, the partner gets paid.

FrizeMedia Ghana believes in empowering and motivating through business. As such, the certified partner program demonstrates the clarity of the payment structure which is different from a commission structure. Digital marketing and especially Content Marketing, is a technique of making and distributing valuable and relevant content to bring in a much defined target audience with the over all objective being the creation of sales and informing. The digital age is exploding, and partnering with us gives you a fast track to success. call +233 055 8581787 to reserve your place. Seats are limited 

Highly competitive companies have taken the aggressive path and actively pursued social media marketing. This is in line with the objective to engage their target market and existing client base in order to fill the top of the sales  funnel as well as understand the prevailing consumer preferences and behaviors to ensure brand loyalty. However, signing up and maintaining multiple accounts on all social networking sites is not as easy as it seems. Jumping right in without any in-depth understanding of the social media process can prove to be potentially detrimental for a  company, which can lead to exposing its online presence at serious risk and leading it towards an unproductive direction. 

Harness Your Online Presence 

Given the power and influence of social media, it is critically significant for businesses to work through their strategies and  develop processes to lead to scalability, efficiency, and successful social engagement. FrizeMedia provides you with all the necessary information to understand the full potential of social media, as well as how your  business can harness its latent power so you can make smarter decisions on how your organization can effectively incorporate it into your company’s marketing and communications mix. If you want to drive your business forward, you need to make sure it stays social, current and relevant in consumers consciousness. Discover how FrizeMedia and it's grasp on social media can become your most effective and influential marketing workhorse. FrizeMedia as your Online Public relations consultant, advertising and digital marketing partner, will equip you will all the  important information on how to get started and how you can use social media to your full advantage and rake its long-term  rewards.

The days of just your local people patronizing your business is swiftly coming to an end. Competition is fierce and by advertising your business online, you are opening up yourself for all to know about your services. You do not need to advertise your business to your local neighborhood because they know about you. The aim about online advertising is for all to find you including those in your locale. General consensus points to the fact that effectiveness of Inbound marketing for business is clear, yet the majority of business owners just don’t have the time and in most cases, the expertise to write and publish valuable content for customers; issue insightful articles, tweet, post to Facebook, circulate presentations, and press releases. Well thought out internet marketing makes any website very effective. Your business or products cannot be made known to the public without marketing. The only way to make your products and services known is to put them out using social media marketing and online marketing.

Your website is a virtual storefront.

With that in mind, much thought needs to be put into it so as to attract targeted customers and keep them coming back for more. Marketing with digital media such as, social media, videos, newsletters if performed in an effective way can benefit you by driving website visitors to  take the next step.

FrizeMedia builds very high targeted audience, awareness and generate leads through informative and engaging content

Aim To Build Trust, Credibility And Relevance in the eyes of your customers

The world wide web has fundamentally altered the way we find, discover, share, shop, and connect. It has provided us with a unique platform to engage, connect, and interact with potential customers, turning what used to be a controlled, one-way message into a real-time dialogue with millions. 78% of Internet users use the Internet to research products and services; though they end up buying at the shop, they  actually go online to find sellers and possibly compare prices.

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Around 100 billion searches are conducted every month on Google alone, and the average Internet user now spends more time on social networks than all other ‘entertainment’ media put together. What makes this even more attention-grabbing is the fact that these users are already searching for what they want, and thus make a viable target audience for your business. “It no longer makes economic sense to send an advertising message to the many, in hopes of persuading the few.” FrizeMedia and its informative content drives traffic everyday. Advertise with us and we will send traffic everyday to your site or page.

Through social media, your business can not only make money, but it can increase the satisfaction of its customers, create fans, and improve the reputation of your company. It can work well for you if you select the medium that works best and is the most suited for your company. 

Benefits of Social Media 
You may be a bit hesitant of getting into social media for your business. That’s understandable. Anything reasonably new and different can be a bit frightening. It is a technological world, however, and if you want to keep up with the times, you need to begin using social media networking for your business.

Here are a few of the benefits: 

Brand-Building Tool

This is a powerful way to use social media. Brand recognition allows you to use social media to determine how you want your company to be positioned, and what you tell people about what your business does. You can build a good brand reputation if you use a little effort and have great content which shows your company’s benefits, advantages, and values.

Solo Build It!

This is where FrizeMedia Ghana come in with the expertise and great content. Visitors spend more time on our websites than any other site. Our pages are in the top one percent of the most shared pages. We have the power to amplify your online presence to a targeted audience. People find us by inbound marketing every day and we will point them to your business.
Inbound marketing simply means they find us with our great content. No tricks involved here. People go online to do research on a variety of topics and products.

Social media is no longer just a trend, but a prevalent revolution that can essentially be harnessed for business. It has an absolute impact on sales and positive word of mouth. Word Of Mouth - Viral marketing. Individuals share, read and by and large engage more with any type of content when it’s passed through acquaintances and folks they know and trust.

The rush in social media usage is one that at best CANNOT be overlooked by any consumer-oriented business. Activities on social media as marketing platforms does not only get your company great and powerful brand exposure, it also generates leads, which turns into engagement that results in real customer acquisitions. Surveys shows 52% of Facebook fans are more likely to buy the brands they fan; and 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend the brands they follow. Conversations in social media actively influence purchases. FrizeMedia Ghana is in a great position to amplify your presence online and especially on social media. We can drive targeted traffic to your website or web page and build deep sustainable links of your site. Try Us.

FrizeMedia own and runs authority sites and commands respect with the most engaging contents anywhere online. Contents that are informative and engaging. We can help you to be found online and create success for your business. Partner with us by advertising your business with us.

Solo Build It!

Our amazing and informative array of topics puts us in a league of our own. Take a look and compare us to the best of sites out there. We do hold our own. Lets be honest, if you are advertising your business on a website that the visitors are not spending much time on to read what it has to say, chances are they are not going to read or see your ad. Nobody goes online looking for ads. What we do best is showcase your business to our discerning visitors looking for information that will serve them best. We not only showcase your business to visitors in your industry or field, we also do across our varying informative and breathtaking topics.

                                     £119/£99 Month  GH₵ 678/564  $161/$134


                                   For Our Awesome Package

           Or Our Classified Ad With Submitted Logo And Up To 70 Words

We have two great packages to help enhance your brand and drive targeted traffic to your ads.

If However The Two Great Packages Below Are Not What You Require, We Are Able To Tailor To Your Marketing Needs.

Our Awesome Package Gets You Listed In Our Directory And Includes A Page Of Classified Ad Loaded With

·         Business Name

·         Address + Map

·         Multiple contact phone numbers

·         A contact email address + website link

·         All Social network Buttons on Page

·         Your Page Will Be Power Twitted No less Than 10 Times A Week

·         Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, Google Plus Social Plugin Incorporated

·         200 character business description extract

·         4000 character full business description

·         Up to 2 categories to list under

·         One logo image + up to 3 additional images, with captions

·         Logo shown in search results

·         Up to 8 hyperlinked products/services listed

·         Up to 8 hyperlinked brands listed

·         Ability to embed multimedia on listing page*

·         *Multimedia need to be hosted on a video site elsewhere

 Click Below To Place Your Order For Our Awesome Package

Kafui Dey Group - Author Publisher Broadcaster Corporate Emcee Digital Marketing

Institute Of ICT Professionals Ghana - Harnessing Creativity And In Depth Competence

Wilkinpin Enterprise Limited - Office Supplies And Business Solutions

TheSquealerNews - Education Inspiration Infotainment & General Information Delivery

H2O Power Washing - Industrial High Pressure Washer

View Charles Friedo Frize's profile on LinkedIn
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