The Drive For Success Lies In Ambition
The relentless quest for accomplishment is driven by the powerful force of ambition. This drive is not merely a fleeting desire but a deep, intrinsic motivation that propels individuals to strive for excellence and reach new heights. Aspiration acts as the catalyst that ignites the fire within, encouraging people to set lofty goals and pursue them with unwavering determination. For instance, many successful entrepreneurs cite their aspirations as the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams.
Statistics reveal that individuals with high levels of aspiration are more likely to set challenging objectives and persistently work towards them, even in the face of adversity. This is evident in various fields, such as sports, where athletes frequently attribute their success to a strong aspirational mindset that pushes them to break records and set new standards. Similarly, in the realm of science and technology, groundbreaking innovations are often the result of visionary aspirations that drive inventors to explore uncharted territories.
In essence, aspiration is the underlying force that fuels the pursuit of achievement, acting as a beacon of light that guides individuals on their journey to success. It is the unwavering belief in one's potential and the relentless pursuit of goals that ultimately lead to remarkable accomplishments.
Character And Integrity
Success:Without character, the puzzle of achieving success falls apart. It is most important of all pieces to life’s puzzle. Without character, you can make money. But it will be worthless to you and to those around you. Look out in the world today: drug dealers and con artists have money—but they lack character.
If you go to all the work of achieving success, you don’t want to mar it with a lack of character that will make people pity you as you age and become less than you were intended to be. Character equals integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing all the time, even when no one else is watching. You don’t have anything to fear when your integrity is in tact, because you have nothing to hide. You experience no guilt and no fear. And without those two traveling companions, it’s much easier to climb higher and farther, faster! What does this mean in a practical sense? It means that you will put the right philosophy (the golden rule) in to practice in all that you do.
You will not step on someone else to climb the corporate ladder; you will not stack bodies in order to reach the CEO position that you desire. You will treat people with respect, honesty, and trust. You will behave towards others how you want (and expect) them to behave towards you. You will be the model of “doing the right thing” in your office, even if it isn’t appreciated or understood.
Chances are very good that if you’re the only one doing the right thing, you won’t last where you are, but you will find something better where your integrity is appreciated and applauded. Character realizes that the most important things in life are not office- or work-based. They are family and a sense of responsibility to that family. Character will not sacrifice your family on the altar of “I’ve got to finish this project,” nor will it tell you children, “Maybe next time, hon,” when asked to play catch.
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Your character will shine through as you put your family before your work, as you purposefully schedule time with them (and then keep those appointments you put in your planner), as you “date” your spouse and remember why it is you got married in the first place, and as you set an example that your spouse and children can be proud of. The most important thing to remember as you consider character is that your children will grow up to be just like you. John Maxwell once said, “We teach what we know; we reproduce who we are.” So as a person who is full of integrity and character, you will reproduce those same traits in your children as you climb towards success in your life. And isn’t that really what it’s all about, anyhow?
Success - Benchmarks of Success Look for these things and consider them well as you walk your road to success:
1 Know that Failure is Just an Event. If you fail, it doesn’t define you—it just puts you back at ‘square one’ with your idea and plan. 2 Consider Your Responsibilities Before Your Rights. Our culture drums it in to us that we must “have it now,” and many of us comply. You are successful when you are mature enough to delay gratification and move your focus from your “rights” to your “responsibilities.” 3 Fill Up on Faith, Hope, & Love. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your outcome. Choose to be optimistic, to read uplifting books, to listen to inspirational speakers. When you put faith, hope, and love in your mind and heart, you’re able to overcome adversity and live free from anger, greed, guilt, and envy.
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4 Make Friends with Your Past—and then Look Ahead. You can use your past as a stepping stone to your future or you can let it cripple you. Either way, it’s your choice. When you can make friends with your past, be focused on the present, and have a bright opinion of your future, you have succeeded, no matter what your goal is. 5 Know that Success Doesn’t Make You. Along with the idea above, understanding that a win doesn’t make you and a loss doesn’t break you. If you win, you’ll still have more wins to make before you “arrive,” and if you lose, you’ll have more opportunities to turn that around in the future.
6 Stand up for Morality. If you take a stand for what is right, even if it’s unpopular or costs you your job, you are successful. There is no disputing this fact. 7 Be a “Servant Friend.” Success isn’t defined by how many people wait on your every whim or need; it’s defined by how many people you can help or serve while you achieve your goals. If you can help others as you climb, you’ll learn more and climb quicker. A servant’s heart is the true hallmark of a leader and shows the character of the person in the position of leadership.
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